Are You Looking for a Tree-Climber or a Fish?
Why church size matters when you are making a hire.
Resource Center
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Your search process speaks volumes about the culture of your church. Is it sending an accurate message? Is it chasing great candidates away?
What do you do when a staff member is transitioning off of your team? Chemistry Staffings Staff Transition Playbook will walk you through...
Recently, Google did a study of what makes teams effective. The big finding: the KINDS of people (a.k.a. the individual personalities) in...
Thom Rainer, the president of LifeWay offers these seven times that your church should NOT hire staff.
Any church can hire someone. But many churches make a key mistake that will cost them finding a really good fit for their church. We'll...
When searching for a new staff member, be careful! The most talented person may not be the right person.
Do you have a communication plan in place for your church's hiring process? The way that you communicate to your candidates speaks volumes...
We've got to stop the bad hires at churches. It's killing both churches and staff people. The average church staff member stays on staff...
How would you describe the type of person who would be a great long-term fit for your team?