My Church is TOXIC
If you are in an unhealthy church culture, it may be time to move on.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturor adipiscing elit. Tincidunt donec vulputate ipsum erat urna auctor.
Finding your next church staff member is a huge task. And an important one. But how do you make such an important decision in your church?
There is a right and wrong way to determine your housing allowance number.
Tricia says: throughout the process, it was as if I was building a team of support cheering me along the way.
More and more churches talk about their apprehension about the current economic news. What do you do as a leader during this season?
The matter of nepotism and the church has been debated for some time, resulting in many churches adopting nepotism policies and standards.
If you’re tired or weary or exhausted as you start your week, you are not alone.
"Don't go into the ministry... UNLESS you feel that God has called you to do this and you know that NOT doing it would be an act of...
Every step was intentional, vital, and necessary for building a long lasting relationship.
Let's come right out and say it. Hardly anyone likes search committees. Pastors, candidates, and heck... even search committees don't like...