Why I Hate Personality Profiles
Personality assessments can be helpful tools... or they can do significant damage to your organization.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturor adipiscing elit. Tincidunt donec vulputate ipsum erat urna auctor.
Personality assessments can be helpful tools... or they can do significant damage to your organization.
The way we bring new staff members on our teams makes a big difference in how long they remain on our teams.
Is it ever ok for pastors to get frustrated and vent? If so, then who is it ok to vent to?
Our ability to fully engage our team determines our ability to accomplish our vision. Mark Miller shares a helpful framework that leads to...
The reality distortion field is a major part of the legend of Steve Jobs. While it makes a great story, it's poor leadership with...
Elizabeth Holme's Theranos gives churches a case study in how not to lead. Does your team have the ability to point out when the emperor is...
A quick and dirty guide to creating a meeting rhythm for your staff team.
Four simple questions and a resource to help you know whether it is time to move on.
Nothing good comes from isolation in ministry... who are you walking with as your serve the church?
The Fyre Festival gives a great example of how not to lead an organization.