The Culture, Systems, and Structures to Multiply Leaders
Would you like to develop more and better leaders to further the mission of your church? Explore the overview of our upcoming Leadership...
Resource Center
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Would you like to develop more and better leaders to further the mission of your church? Explore the overview of our upcoming Leadership...
We are at a point where it would serve us well to pause, survey our current landscape, and think through what the road ahead looks like for...
Kadi Cole shares with us ways we can hire and develop women leaders while still holding to and honoring each church's theological stance.
When we start believing our own press and the great things others say about us, it could be the beginning of our demise.
Leading through change will be hard, but it will help lay the foundation for our church to thrive in the years ahead.
Low morale can kill a church staff, and eventually, a church. But what you can do today to make your section of church staff culture better?
Youth Pastors want to turn their calling into a sustainable career, but how can they when they are typically the lowest-paid position on...
The sound of instruments and singing poured out of the auditorium. All of a sudden, a law enforcement officer was standing in front of me...
All pastors and church leaders are just five seconds away from making a decision that could make or change their ministry, family, and...
You identify a specific area of your church that needs your leadership attention, but you don't know where to start. You know something is...