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Hope isn't Strategy

If you aren’t intentional about developing more and better leaders this year, the challenges to your growth in 2020 won’t magically disappear by 2022


Do You Have the Number and Quality of Leaders Needed for 2021? 


Almost every church leader I’ve spoken with over the past several months has mentioned their hope for a better 2021.


But as we all know, hope isn’t a strategy.


The events of 2020 revealed a lot of things about our churches that need improvement. No matter what might be on your list for the coming year, there is one thing that will bring greater success to whatever goals you have set before you: developing more and better leaders.


Let me put it a different way: if you aren’t intentional about developing more and better leaders this year, the challenges to your growth in 2020 won’t magically disappear by 2022. In fact, they will just compound against you. I don’t believe I’m overstating it to say that leadership development will either be your greatest opportunity or your greatest downfall in 2021.


We want to help with this.


I’m excited to be partnering with my friend and former colleague, Brent Dolfo, to deliver a new Virtual Strategy Lab that will help leaders like you develop the culture, systems, and structures necessary to multiply leaders in the months and years to come. Brent brings with him the unique experience of having worked with more than 100 of the greatest leadership development churches in the world. Brent has gathered key insights and tools from these churches that have helped countless other leaders increase their leadership capacity in order to further their church’s mission.


And now we’re bringing this to you.


The 7-Week Leadership Development Virtual Strategy Lab is focused on helping leaders and teams create a new leadership development model for their church. Whether you are looking to tweak your current systems and structures, or you need to build a whole new culture, we want to help you accelerate your learning and progress. In the Lab, you and a small cohort of peers will work with one of our veteran Labs Director, as well as an outside leadership development consultant, to evaluate your current reality, articulate your preferred future, create a strategy for change, and implement next steps.


This collaborative, peer-centered experience will help your team:

  • Understand What Makes a Great Leadership Development Church
  • Learn Steps to Make the Shift to a Leadership Development Culture
  • Explore the Critical Components of a Leadership Pipeline
  • Develop a Blueprint for Effective Staff Development Plans


Our next Leadership Development Strategy Lab is launching in early March with a small cohort of churches. To learn more about this opportunity and to see if it is a good fit for your church, visit the Leadership Development Virtual Strategy Lab page and schedule a quick discovery call with me.


I look forward to serving you!




Tims CS Sig

PS: To hear the entire interview, visit the UnSeminary Podcast.

Tim Nations

Tim Nations

Tim Nations serves as our Lead Church Coach at Chemistry. He most recently served as the Director of Facilitation and Leadership Community Director at Leadership Network. Tim has served in full-time ministry in churches across the north Texas area for over 15 years. He brings with him broad experience in communication, organization, planning, and facilitation.

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