Are You Looking for a Tree-Climber or a Fish?
Why church size matters when you are making a hire.
Resource Center
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturor adipiscing elit. Tincidunt donec vulputate ipsum erat urna auctor.
What can we learn from the founder of the Ritz-Carlton about making hiring the right pastor?
June 04, 2019
Our ability to fully engage our team determines our ability to accomplish our vision. Mark Miller shares a helpful framework that leads to...
Your search process speaks volumes about the culture of your church. Is it sending an accurate message? Is it chasing great candidates away?
The reality distortion field is a major part of the legend of Steve Jobs. While it makes a great story, it's poor leadership with...
It is easy to get caught up in the hype and think that real leaders don't deal with the mundane. Believe this at your own risk.
Elizabeth Holme's Theranos gives churches a case study in how not to lead. Does your team have the ability to point out when the emperor is...
LeBron James has recently declared that he is the best basketball player. Ever. Anywhere. In the history of the world.
A primary indicator of an unhealthy staff culture is the speed of the staff turnover. Does your staff average five or more years in place?...