Mondays Are For Criticism
Criticism is not always a bad thing. On the first day back from Sunday you'll have lots of it flying around. Learn how to criticize in the...
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturor adipiscing elit. Tincidunt donec vulputate ipsum erat urna auctor.
Criticism is not always a bad thing. On the first day back from Sunday you'll have lots of it flying around. Learn how to criticize in the...
Busy. Hurried. Distracted. Exhausted. Why are these words so common in the language of church leaders? How can you change that?
If you want to grow your church and multiply its impact in the community, your church must become great at developing leaders.
Things have changed over the past twelve months even more than normal. (Thanks, COVID).
If you aren’t intentional about developing more and better leaders this year, the challenges to your growth in 2020 won’t magically...
Your capacity to care for yourself is the greatest gift you can give your congregation.
Todd Rhoades shares some church staffing trends that he's seeing from working with hundreds of churches and candidates.
Would you like to develop more and better leaders to further the mission of your church? Explore the overview of our upcoming Leadership...
We are at a point where it would serve us well to pause, survey our current landscape, and think through what the road ahead looks like for...
How do you not 'flame out' as a church leader. Todd Rhoades offers three things you can do this week to make sure you stay on track.