Church Staff: Builders. Breakers. Fixers. Maintainers. Which are You?
In the church world we have builders, breakers, fixers, and maintainers. These buckets of church leaders are in no way exclusive. You can...
Resource Center
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturor adipiscing elit. Tincidunt donec vulputate ipsum erat urna auctor.
In the church world we have builders, breakers, fixers, and maintainers. These buckets of church leaders are in no way exclusive. You can...
Matt Steen and Todd Rhoades did a webinar entitled How the Great Resignation May Affect Your Church in 2022 ... did you miss it?
A great compliment came from a fellow student leader in town. They said, “It just feels like Shawn has always been there!”
Some church staff teams are a mess relationally. I’ve known staff members that don’t talk to each other for months. Other pastors and...
This journey of transformation can powerfully speak to and inform the journey we all take as humans in this trek we call life.
The way you answer these five questions will help you impress candidates during the interview process.
How will the trends we are seeing translate into the amount of time that it will take you to hire your next church staff member?
Kelly Norris talks with Dan Navarra and Kim Bobb about how The Great Resignation is impacting youth and kids ministry staff members.
Amid this ambiguous and volatile season of life, these laws of nature provide the necessary clarity and understanding to help us lead our...