Not Everyone Should Be in Ministry. Should You?
"Don't go into the ministry... UNLESS you feel that God has called you to do this and you know that NOT doing it would be an act of...
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"Don't go into the ministry... UNLESS you feel that God has called you to do this and you know that NOT doing it would be an act of...
Let's come right out and say it. Hardly anyone likes search committees. Pastors, candidates, and heck... even search committees don't like...
What if every church in America could hire just 10% better? What if most church staff members in America stayed a full five years instead...
The goal HAS to be healthy transitions and better, longer-term fits. Churches need to filter candidates better; and candidates need to vet...
Ministry is crazy. Churches are crazy. And I love them both. But sometimes, usually at least once in your ministry career, you’ll find...
Healthy, Long-Term fit of church staff members is absolutely essential for long-term viable church health. But how do these types of...
Any look at church history will show dramatic changes and shifts in the church, especially over our lifetime. You can only expect that rate...
You've heard of the "Golden" rule, but have you heard of the "Silver" rule?
So when do you know when to move on? When is the right time to start looking for your next church job?
Passing the six-second rule is extremely important for your church or ministry job search.