The Messiness of Ministry
Ministry is messy and change is hard ... especially in the church!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturor adipiscing elit. Tincidunt donec vulputate ipsum erat urna auctor.
2022 was a year of exposing weaknesses in the foundations of many of our institutions.
There's a swell of activity during this time of year, the busyness, and all the details that have to be done ... don't forget to pause.
What many people don't know, until long after saying yes, is how much work is involved in participating in a church's search team.
When you need to hire a new church staff member, one of the first things you'll need to do is determine who should be a part of the hiring...
Finding your next church staff member is a huge task. And an important one. But how do you make such an important decision in your church?
In this conversation, Jacob Dickerson shares some of what they are seeing, how Destination Community Church is serving the local community,...
Two key factors in hiring the right candidate is moving with intention and communicating clearly.
What do we do with our team's salaries in the midst of all of this inflation? Here are a few things to think through as you approach the...
One of the simplest ways to retain your ministry staff is to invest in their careers as pastors.