Frustrated with Your Church?
Four simple questions and a resource to help you know whether it is time to move on.
Resource Center
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Four simple questions and a resource to help you know whether it is time to move on.
What do you do when a staff member is transitioning off of your team? Chemistry Staffings Staff Transition Playbook will walk you through...
Any church can hire someone. But many churches make a key mistake that will cost them finding a really good fit for their church. We'll...
As leaders, our willingness to be held accountable for our actions will not only define our leadership but will determine the overall...
Not long ago, I took part in a what has become my most favorite church job interview ever… and I didn’t get the job. The interview lasted...
Do you have what it takes to be a GREAT church staff member? I'm not talking about that MDiv diploma on display. Or the ten years...
I work with a lot of top notch church leaders. I know none that operate under the first framework. In fact, I don't know of any churches...
Andy Stanley talks about a 'one-sentence' job description. In a nutshell, the one-sentence job description explains the essential purpose...
There’s a huge gap between when a lot of people are moving on from their church and the time when the really cool, extremely fruitful...