Think Small, Act Small
Wisdom from Herb Kelleher: thinking small leads to big things.
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It used to be that ‘good’ church people were in church every Sunday (unless they were on vacation). That meant that you could depend on...
Not everyone that's attending your church today will be attending your church this time next year. But why? What in today's culture is...
It’s been some time since all the stuff hit the fan at Willow Creek Community Church. Church leaders everywhere are looking to see what...
As a church leader, what questions should you be asking yourself as you lead or pastor your church in the coming year? The tool that I have...
We've got to stop the bad hires at churches. It's killing both churches and staff people. The average church staff member stays on staff...
Convincing someone to change their mind is really the process of convincing them to change their tribe. If they abandon their beliefs, they...
What will be the big disruptors in the church during 2019? Carey Nieuwhof gives his thoughts...
“It might take more effort than you were hoping it would, but it's worth it.” Those words from Seth Godin are a great way to anticipate...
One thing that kills a church's vision more than anything else is pining for days gone by. When we spend more time looking back at where we...