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Staff Health

Leadership Is A Team Sport... But Sometimes You Hit a Wall

You identify a specific area of your church that needs your leadership attention, but you don't know where to start. You know something is broken, but aren't sure how to fix it. It's FRUSTRATING!

Leadership is a team sport. At least it should be.


But sometimes you hit a wall.


It's frustrating.


You identify a specific area of your church that needs your leadership attention, but you don't know where to start.


You know something is broken, but aren't sure how to fix it.


Sometimes you, honestly, have no clue what the right decision is. But you know you have to make one. Soon.


What's worse, no one else on your team has a clear picture either.

It's not that you're not all great leaders. It's just that you suddenly find yourself a little out of your comfort zone, dealing with things you've never dealt with before, and you feel like you need to call in some reinforcements.


I've heard this repeatedly from church leaders over the past few months of dealing with COVID.

This pandemic has stretched us in ways that we didn't know we could be stretched; challenged us in ways we never imagined we'd be challenged.

Hitting a wall in your leadership_ (2)


It's ok to seek out help. In fact, it can be a wise decision to reach out for specialized assistance.


Here's what we're seeing:

We're finding that many churches are feeling the need to 're-set' in some way as we head toward the new year. What worked in January 2020 will not necessarily work in January 2021.

For some churches, this means re-evaluating their staffing structure to this new reality. 

For you, it could mean a new hire in a critical area, or transitioning some deeply-loved people off your team.  

You may be considering a total staff realignment or thinking about hiring some virtual, fractional staff to assist with your church online presence. 

Major decisions like this are mission-critical. 

If you need someone to bring expertise to your team in any of these critical areas, we are here to help:



If you need to hire a new staff person for your ministry team, we can definitely assist. We can bring some proven expertise and experience to your staff search. We access each potential candidate on theological fit, church culture/DNA, personality, and skills and abilities to help you find a healthy long-term fit for your team.



Sometimes you need to make a tough decision to transition a staff member off of your team. We can help you process this decision and help you with your communication plan with the staff member, your team, and your congregation. We can also provide transitional coaching for the out-going staff members to provide an extra level of love and care from the church for them as they move on.



COVID may have brought you to a place where it makes sense to step back and access your current staffing levels, structure, compensation, and job descriptions. We can help you think through your staff structure for this next chapter of ministry drawing from what we’re seeing similar churches do during this period.



We've researched and published quite a bit of information in the area of online church strategy over the last few months. Your online presence is an essential part of your church moving forward, and we can help you plan and implement your enhanced online strategy.



Maybe you've been thinking about transitioning out of your senior role and are ready to start a discussion about succession. We can help you begin the succession discussion and avoid the pitfalls and dangers that can get you off track.



One of the trends of 2021 will be a move by many churches to begin thinking about hiring fractional, virtual staff members. These specialized team members will bring expertise and passion in a specific ministry area at a much lower cost (with no need for moving expenses or expensive benefits packages). We can help you think through the possibilities.



I have a very limited availability to take on a few churches/pastors in some personal coaching. This is very flexible (usually a couple of times a month) and can center around general or specific church leadership topics.


I've created an interactive video that will guide you through some of these areas where I might be able to help you. Take a look, and if it makes sense, click the link at the end of the video to start a conversation with me.



Take a moment and watch the video now. You'll get to know me a little better, and we can see if there is any way that I can help you tear down that wall you feel like you’re facing.


I am rooting for you,




Schedule a Conversation


Todd Rhoades

Todd Rhoades

Todd has invested over 30 years in serving churches, having served as a worship pastor for over 15 years, a church elder for more than a decade, and in various ministry leadership roles in both the business and non-profit sectors. As the original founder and developer of ChurchStaffing.com, Todd fundamentally changed the way thousands of churches search for pastors and staff on the internet. Todd is a graduate of Cedarville University, and lives in Bryan, OH with his wife, Dawn.

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