Unexpected Holiday Moments: Lessons for Church Leaders
With the holiday season winding down, it's time for a quiet reflection in this period dangling between Christmas and New Year's Eve. In this time of calm, we want to talk about something that often garners laughs in hindsight — the unexpected holiday pickups.
These unanticipated hiccups aren't the sweeping catastrophes but rather the small, often amusing mishaps that seem to be a holiday staple. It could be the forgotten candles for the candlelight service, the shepherd going rogue during the nativity play, or even the sound system deciding to take a break mid-sermon on Christmas Eve. As frustrating as these hiccups can be, they can also lead to valuable lessons and unexpected moments of grace when seen through the right perspective.
Embrace the Imperfection
Holiday plans often veer off the intended path, but that doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. Believe it or not, these little imperfections often lead to the most unforgettable moments. It's in these times of seeming chaos that God's grace shines through. After all, grace thrives in imperfection.
Find Humor Amidst Hiccups
They say laughter is the best medicine. Now, it may not be immediately hilarious when something goes awry, but over time, these holiday hiccups can provide quite a laugh! Encourage your team to laugh off these situations and utilize this powerful tool to lighten the mood and maintain perspective.
Turn Challenges into Opportunities
Unplanned holiday hiccups can press us to think creatively and devise on-the-spot solutions. Such challenges can help foster teamwork and resilience, revealing hidden strengths within ourselves and our teams. These less-than-ideal scenarios can often lead to serendipitous outcomes better than we originally planned.
The Challenge
Consider a recent holiday hitch encountered at your church. Instead of focusing on the inconvenience, seek the hidden blessing. Learn from the experience, see the bond it built among your team, and think about how to utilize this experience for future improvement.
Share your holiday hiccup stories and the blessings you found hidden within them. Join us again for more profound reflections and practical tips on the Healthy Church Staff Podcast. Until then, a merry post-Christmas greeting and a happy new year ahead!