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Staff Transitioning

When to Leave - Have You Stopped Dreaming?

Discover the importance of dreaming for healthy church leadership and learn how to reignite your vision with practical steps in our latest blog post inspired by Wade Hodges’s book "When to Leave."

dreaming, when to leave

Dreaming - A Key Element of Healthy Church Leadership

Welcome back readers. Invigorating your imagination and looking forward is an essential aspect of having a healthy church staff. Today, we pose a challenging question: Have You Stopped Dreaming? Inspired by Wade Hodges’s book "When to Leave," let's explore how losing your vision might signal it's time for change.

The Influence of Dreaming on Ministry

Significant ministry outcomes should be fueled by vision and a general sense of excitement about what God is doing in your life and ministry. However, there are times when even the most passionate leaders may feel uninspired. When dreaming about the future feels burdensome, take a moment to understand why you're feeling that way.

Here are four situations where you might find yourself having stopped dreaming:

  1. Feeling Overwhelmed: Day-to-day demands of the ministry may leave you drained, making it hard to think beyond the next Sunday.
  2. Reached your Limit: You may feel your calling at your current role is fulfilled, and you're ready for a new challenge. Staying longer might feel like running in place.
  3. Afraid of Failing: Dreaming, at times, implies taking risks. If fears are holding you back, it's worth reflecting on these inhibitions.
  4. Stop Believing Change is Possible: Prolonged stuck patterns might make you question - what's the point?

Recognizing these situations doesn’t mean you've failed. These signals are indications that something needs your attention, be it rest, invigoration, or a new direction.

Rediscovering Dreams - Steps to Take

If it feels impossible to dream, here are few steps to reinvigorate your vision:

  1. Reflect on what energizes you: Prioritize energies that used to light up your current role or day-to-day work. Understand what's missing now.
  2. Take a break: A short respite could help in clarifying your north star.
  3. Unleash the Brainstorm: Write down everything you wish to do in your ministry. Don't filter, judge or limit your imagination - dare to dream big.
  4. Talk to a mentor: Outside perspectives can often help reignite passions or discern if it's time for a new direction.

This week, take an hour to dream. Find a quiet spot, pray, ask God to renew your vision, then write down whatever comes to your mind. Sometimes it only takes a step to jumpstart your dreaming again.

For further insights and discussions on this topic, make sure to listen in on today's Healthy Church Staff Podcast episode.

Dreaming is the lifeblood of leadership. If you've lost that spark, don't ignore it. Take time to reflect, reconnect, and rediscover your vision, because your ministry, your church's health, and your future depend on it.

Todd Rhoades

Todd Rhoades

Todd has invested over 30 years in serving churches, having served as a worship pastor for over 15 years, a church elder for more than a decade, and in various ministry leadership roles in both the business and non-profit sectors. As the original founder and developer of ChurchStaffing.com, Todd fundamentally changed the way thousands of churches search for pastors and staff on the internet. Todd is a graduate of Cedarville University, and lives in Bryan, OH with his wife, Dawn.

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