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Staff Health

Empowering Voices

Enhance church staff communication. Learn strategies to empower voices, build understanding, and strengthen connections. Download our free report!


Encouraging Staff to Share Concerns and Ideas in Churches


In any church, the ability of staff members to voice their concerns and ideas without hesitation is a critical component of effective communication and a healthy work environment. However, recent findings from Chemistry Staffing's 2023 Church Staff Health Report reveal that this might not be the case in many churches.


When church staff were asked, "I feel comfortable voicing my concerns or ideas to church leadership," the results were eye-opening. A total of 68% agreed, with 40% strongly agreeing and 28% agreeing. However, a sizable proportion of staff, nearly one-third, were either neutral (13%) or disagreed (19%). This reveals a significant concern: a considerable portion of church staff hesitates to share their thoughts or concerns with their leadership.


These numbers serve as an important reminder that your church’s leadership must prioritize understanding why some staff members feel less able to share their input and address the issues raised. The goal is to foster a trusting environment where everyone participates in shaping the church's purpose and direction. 


Regardless of their role, every staff member possesses insights worth tapping into. The role of leadership is not merely to empower the majority but to ensure that all voices are heard and valued.


To achieve this, there are several key areas that church leadership must focus on. 


First, they must work to open channels of communication. This could involve creating more opportunities for staff to share their ideas, such as regular staff meetings, suggestion boxes, or anonymous surveys.


Second, they need to build understanding. This involves actively listening to staff concerns and ideas, acknowledging their input, and taking appropriate action where necessary. Lastly, leaders must work to strengthen connections across the entire team, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect.


By making these efforts, churches can benefit from the full breadth of experience and wisdom their staff has to offer. The diverse perspectives and ideas of all staff members are invaluable resources that can enhance the church's ability to serve its congregation and achieve its mission.


Effective communication in a church is dependent on all staff feeling heard and valued. When a sizable group cannot fully participate, the church suffers. Leadership bears the responsibility of creating an environment where all staff feel comfortable voicing their concerns or ideas.


If your church is experiencing similar challenges, Chemistry Staffing is here to assist. We offer a 30-minute video call to discuss how we might be able to help your church create a more inclusive and open environment. Please reach out to Todd.Rhoades@chemistrystaffing.com to schedule a conversation.


For more insights into the state of church staff health and strategies for improvement, download the free 2023 Chemistry Staff Church Staff Health Report. The report provides a wealth of information to help your church enhance its staff culture and overall health.


Todd Rhoades

Todd Rhoades

Todd has invested over 30 years in serving churches, having served as a worship pastor for over 15 years, a church elder for more than a decade, and in various ministry leadership roles in both the business and non-profit sectors. As the original founder and developer of ChurchStaffing.com, Todd fundamentally changed the way thousands of churches search for pastors and staff on the internet. Todd is a graduate of Cedarville University, and lives in Bryan, OH with his wife, Dawn.

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