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Breaking the Cycle

It's not enough to occupy positions or fulfill duties as a church board member; instead, we must cultivate a culture of unity and intentional development.

Cycle, Board Member, Leadership

Strengthening Your Church Board for Lasting Impact

In the intricate ecosystem of any church or organization, the vitality of its core—comprising both the governing board and the staff—cannot be overstated. Like the roots of a sturdy tree, a healthy core provides stability and nourishment, enabling the entire body to flourish. However, the true essence of this vitality lies not in structural integrity but in the commitment of individuals to their discipleship, growth, and engagement.

Well-meaning church boards (and staff, for that matter) struggle with the same issues again and again. Like a washing machine out of balance or the unhealthy cycle found in the book of Judges, so many boards try to push through without solidifying the core. And after having worked with a variety of church leadership teams, I know first-hand that getting on the same path is rarely an easy or instant endeavor.
In an era characterized by instant gratification and the allure of quick fixes, the call to engage deeply with our identities and roles becomes increasingly urgent. It's not enough to occupy positions or fulfill duties; instead, we must cultivate a culture of unity and intentional development. This entails recognizing our unique roles within the body of Christ, honoring the diversity of gifts and talents, and embracing our collective responsibility for growth and transformation.
But it takes so little energy to get distracted and side-tracked! Whether it’s disagreement on where your church should be headed, ignoring instead of engaging with conflict, ineffective communication, or confusion over who is supposed to do what, before you know it, you’ve lost significant time and momentum.
Our Church Board Alignment program is specifically designed to strengthen the foundations and provide practical tools to give your church a healthy core and set you on a healthy path. Over the course of twelve months, we’ll engage in essential discussions, spend intentional time together, and work through resources that will provide clarity and direction. Imagine the impact for the Gospel that your church could make in your community when alignment is a reality and not an aspiration!
Let’s talk. Schedule a time for us to chat, and let’s get this moving!

Caleb Smith

Caleb Smith

Along with being a Pastor's Kid, Caleb has been in vocational ministry for over 20 years. From family ministries to executive leadership, from church mergers to multi-site to church planting, Caleb brings the experience of multiplicative ministry in a variety of cultures and contexts. Caleb and his family live in Rochester, MN where he serves as Executive Pastor of Strategy & Culture at Autumn Ridge Church. He is also a certified coach and facilitator for both Auxano and Ministry Insights. Caleb's passion in ministry is helping people and local churches maximize their Gospel impact.

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