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Apply Now! Associate Pastor in Newaygo, MI

Trinity Fellowship EFC is looking for an Associate Pastor of Ministries at their growing Newaygo campus. 

Trinity EFC Associate Pastor

Do you have a passion for developing leaders, fostering authentic community, and growing a campus? Trinity Fellowship Church in Big Rapids, Michigan, is seeking a highly relational and catalytic Associate Pastor of Ministries for their Newaygo campus!


About the Church

Trinity Fellowship Church, an Evangelical Free congregation, is one church in two communities–Big Rapids and Newaygo. Both campuses are characterized by a culture of strong biblical teaching, small groups, family ministries and leadership development. Most recently, a congregational assessment identified Trinity as a thriving church with a high level of satisfaction and engagement.  As the church seeks a Pastor of Ministries for Newaygo, the right candidate will play a role in exploring ways to innovate and improve upon current ministries while considering new opportunities for advancing and expanding the church's vision and mission.


A Great Place to Live

Newaygo county is in the heart of West Michigan and is home to 234 lakes, 356 miles of rivers and streams and over 100,000 acres of national forest. It is also rich in natural resources such as the Muskegon River, Manistee National Forest and the North Country Trail. Newaygo County offers abundant and affordable opportunities for the outdoor enthusiast in you to get away from the city.

If you do want some ‘city life,’ just head South for 40 minutes, and it will bring you to the bustling city of Grand Rapids, known for its arts, culture, and a vibrant downtown. For some, this is a fantastic day trip option.  For others, a trip to Lake Michigan, which is only 45 minutes away, is their excursion of choice. 


The Ideal Candidate

The new Pastor of Ministries will passionately embody the vision, mission, and DNA of the church. This individual will be responsible for recruiting, equipping, training, and deploying volunteer leaders to carry out the work of ministry in Newaygo. They will work closely with and collaborate with the Campus Pastor to develop ministry structures and lead ministry operations in alignment with the church's beliefs and strategy. It’s all about organizational leadership in a shepherding way. Great candidates will be:

  • Humble – focuses on the success of the team rather than personal recognition.
  • Hungry – takes initiative, self-motivated, and always seeking to improve their skills and performance.  
  • Smart – aware of group dynamics, understands how their words and actions affect others, and can navigate interpersonal relationships effectively.


Apply Now

Do you have strong organizational and people development skills? Are you able to care for and catalyze volunteers, leading through them to grow multiple ministries? If so, apply today!


P.S. If this job isn't exactly what you're looking for, feel free to check the job board of open positions.

Tim Nations

Tim Nations

Tim Nations serves as our Lead Church Coach at Chemistry. He most recently served as the Director of Facilitation and Leadership Community Director at Leadership Network. Tim has served in full-time ministry in churches across the north Texas area for over 15 years. He brings with him broad experience in communication, organization, planning, and facilitation.

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