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Staff Transitioning

PIVOT: The 4 Roles You’ll Need On Your Team to Be Successful

This 17-page church staff strategy guide is available for you to download (for free) right now.

In the early months of 2020, many churches looked at their online presence as a mere add-on, just another way to supplement what happens each week in their weekend worship experience.  


All that changed.

And quickly.

Many church leaders have since found new value and unique opportunities in online ministry.

When it comes to online ministry, you’ll need to consider two main things:

  1. Who will sit in the four key seats to drive your online strategy?
  2. How you will budget for staff, technology, and online ministry going forward?
Both of these things present real challenges for most churches.

We’ve put together a great resource that will walk you through the questions most church leaders are asking: How should I staff and budget for our church’s online ministry?

This 17-page strategy guide is available for you to download (for free) right now.



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Todd Rhoades

Todd Rhoades

Todd has invested over 30 years in serving churches, having served as a worship pastor for over 15 years, a church elder for more than a decade, and in various ministry leadership roles in both the business and non-profit sectors. As the original founder and developer of ChurchStaffing.com, Todd fundamentally changed the way thousands of churches search for pastors and staff on the internet. Todd is a graduate of Cedarville University, and lives in Bryan, OH with his wife, Dawn.

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