Church Leadership | Chemistry Staffing

What Do You Need to STOP Doing?

Written by Todd Rhoades | Aug 2, 2021 2:59:39 PM

I found this quote from Bruce Johnson in his article to be something great to ponder this Monday morning.


"What do you need to STOP doing?" 


Bruce writes:


"What do I need to stop doing that I'm currently doing, so that I can focus more of my time and energy on the things that matter most and will create the greatest impact over the course of my life and time?"


That’s a great question.  If you were to do an inventory of your time, what percentage of your day or time, would you say, is spent on doing those things that matter most? 


...Things that have the greatest impact? 

...Things that you're passionate about?

...Things that fit your genetic encoding? 


If you're spending less than 50% of your time in those areas, then your "Stop Doing" list, might be the most important list you could make this year - or today!  In fact, don't go to bed tonight without making one up.


What do you need to STOP doing?


Have a GREAT week!