Church Leadership | Chemistry Staffing

Staying at Your Church (When It's Easier to Go)

Written by Todd Rhoades | Nov 16, 2020 2:34:57 PM

Sometimes it's a courageous move to stay when it's easier to go.  As someone that works every day with candidates that are in different phases of "it's time to go", this is an extremely important decision that each one of us makes several times in our ministry career. Sometimes, especially when things aren't so peachy, it's easy to leave. And sometimes things are going well, but you feel like you're ready for a new challenge.

But God says to stay.

You really WANT to go, but you don't have release. At least yet.

Have you ever been in this situation?

It would be easier to go than to stay... in fact, all the signs point to your departure as being a good thing for you, your family, and the church.  Yet God does not release you just yet.

My prayer for you this week is that you will have the courage to stay or the courage to leave, being sensitive to the very God who called you in the first place. He will make your path straight in HIS timing, not yours. That, quite often, is the most mystifying and confusing part of our calling.

If you'd like to talk through where you're at in this process, and we can chat!