Church Leadership | Chemistry Staffing

Why You Should Share Your Church's Vision Immediately

Written by Todd Rhoades | Sep 23, 2019 12:47:40 PM

Don't Wait To Share The Vision! 

Scott Wilson doesn’t waste any time sharing the vision of his church with new people.

In fact, he shares the story of his church and their vision almost immediately.  Here’s why:

First, it helps people who don’t have a vision get a vision

For some people, the vision and mission of our church might fall a little flat. It doesn’t resonate with them deeply, but they’re not opposed to it either. And for those people, I want to help them discover what their own vision and mission is for a church home. People who don’t have a mission or vision for church (or for their lives) will live confused and sad, never knowing which decisions are the right ones to make.

So before they can fully commit to our vision, they need to know their own vision. This information helps me to pastor them well.

Second, if the vision resonates with people’s hearts, great. They’ve found their home.

After I share the vision, certain people know that they know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our church is their home. There is no confusion, no hidden agenda, no missed expectations or unnecessary disappointment. They know exactly what we’re working to offer, and it is what they’ve come to receive. They see exactly how they can fit into the larger picture, what skills they have to offer, and how they can serve.

Everyone who is there wants to be there, and is a contributor.

Third, If the vision doesn’t connect with them, they know this isn’t the church for them.

I believe wholeheartedly in our vision and mission, but I also know it isn’t for everyone. Of course I want people to connect and find their home at my church, but more than that, I want people to connect and find a home somewhere. And in order to do that, they have to resonate with the vision.

If the vision and mission of our church doesn’t resonate with them, it doesn’t do them any good, or us any good, for them to stick around. Both parties will end up disappointed, and the community can’t thrive in the long run.

You can read more from Scott Wilson here:
