Church Leadership | Chemistry Staffing

That Shortcut is Actually a Trap!

Written by Todd Rhoades | May 21, 2024 8:13:35 PM

Avoiding Shortcuts in Leadership Development: The BHAG Dilemma

In the leadership realm, the phrase BHAG, short for Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal, has become popular. However, while it's exciting to set and dream about these substantial goals, the path to achieving them is often laden with temptation for shortcuts. As church leaders, we must resist these shortcuts, as they could turn into traps that harm our mission, our credibility, and our leadership development efforts.

1. Developing Credibility is a Long Game

As a leader, your credibility must be earned over long periods of sustained integrity. Temptation for shortcuts may cause inconsistent behavior, which hurts your credible image. Remember – there are no shortcuts when it comes to developing credibility.

2. Clarifying the Mission Deserves Time and Patience

Creating and communicating a clear, compelling mission for your church requires an investment of time and energy. It involves careful listening, understanding your culture, identifying opportunities, and developing language alongside others. Avoid photocopying or microwaving a mission, as they lack the leader's conviction and understanding, rendering them ineffective.

3. Leadership Development – A Marathon, Not a Sprint

Developing others in leadership is a long and challenging process, and you may not see the results for years. Taking shortcuts in this department is immensely tempting but equally destructive. After all, leadership development isn't a race—it's a lifetime endeavor.

The concept of BHAGs encourages us to dream big and aim high. However, in the process of working towards these goals, it's crucial to remember that aspects like credibility, mission clarity, and leadership development cannot be rushed or shortcut.

Attempting to shortcut the process will only lead to compromises on the values we aim to uphold in our churches. In the end, our credibility, mission, and leadership development need to be baked into our plan right from the start, taking into cognizance that success might take longer and be harder than initially anticipated.

Approach your BHAGs with realism, patience and a commitment to doing things the right way rather than the fast way. Embrace the fact that God calls us to be faithful stewards of the ministries He entrusts to us.

Dive deeper into this discussion by tuning in to today's Healthy Church Staff Podcast episode. Together, let us embark on leadership journeys marked by integrity, patience, and long-term commitment.