It is safe to assume that 2021 is going to be a fascinating year for churches. After a year of innovating on the fly and significant changes in how we do ministry, I am convinced that the year ahead will be just as full of change, just of a different kind. As I look ahead to 2021, I believe that we will see a significant amount of leadership changes and serious structural changes. What do I mean by this? Glad you asked.
Leadership Change
After all of the change that has happened over the last 12 months, the mere thought of another year of change is exhausting. Our temptation will be to avoid change at all cost; avoid this temptation! For most churches, the changes made in 2020 were on the fly. We spent the year experimenting, pivoting, and throwing things against the wall. This was exhausting, but it was good! We compressed a decade's worth of innovation into one year.
But now, we need to lean into the structural changes required to make the shifts made in 2020 sustainable for the long term. 2021 will be a year of asking questions like
"which areas of ministry should we be prioritizing?" or
"should we be building a new building?" and the ever-popular,
"does our budget line up with our priorities?" This will be the year that we work to bring about the deeply needed organizational change that our churches may have needed for decades...
but are now ready to embrace.
We know that churches generally struggle with change, which makes the thought of structural changes deeply terrifying to some. If you need some help navigating change,
Mike Bonem will be helping churches figure out how to lead change in a healthy way in early 2021. This will be a great group, designed to help you lead through the changes your church needs...
and keep your job in the process.
As you are leaning into 2021, I'd love to hear what you are seeing. What do you see as the biggest challenge for your church in the year ahead? How can we pray for and partner with you?
We're rooting for you this year!