Church Leadership | Chemistry Staffing

Is It Ok For Pastors To Vent?

Written by Todd Rhoades | Aug 12, 2019 12:24:00 PM

When Is It Ok To Vent? 

Mike Leake asks the question:  Is it OK to vent?

He tries to make a point from Proverbs 29:11 and Proverbs 18:2 that it is unwise (actually foolish) to vent to others:

The Scriptures are clear, venting to our fellow man is the way of the fool: whether this venting is in the form of typing out our feelings on Facebook, venting about someone else to a trusted friend, yelling at an imaginary person sitting in a chair in a counseling session, or letting someone know how you really feel about them.

Mike says that we really should vent to God and no one else.

While I’ve done my own venting to God many times (including this morning!), I think venting is a valuable resource for most pastors.

It could be that I’m using a different definition than Mike is.

I’m not talking about a one way discussion.

I’m talking about the ability for each pastor or church leader to have someone who is NOT AT ALL connected with their situation that they can share honestly with.

When you’re a pastor, sometimes you need a friend like that.

Someone that won’t judge you.

Someone that can give an objective opinion.

Someone that won’t fire you or hold something against you.

Someone that can give you perspective.

Someone that can encourage you to do the right thing.

Someone that will just listen.

In reality, I think we ALL need to vent from time to time.

Sure, there are times when venting can become sinful.  But overall, a pastor that doesn’t have an outlet for his true feelings and thoughts is likely to explode from the pressure someday.

What do YOU think?  Do you have someone (other than your spouse) that you can vent to?

Has it been beneficial?
