Church Leadership | Chemistry Staffing

Going it Alone Could Be Your Ultimate Downfall

Written by Todd Rhoades | May 17, 2021 1:57:36 PM

Instinctively, we all know that a team is better.

Scripture even backs that up. (Ecclesiastes 4:9)

But our natural tendency is to go it alone.

That’s our first mistake.

I’m a firm believer in teams. Teams just make things better.

Sometimes teams slow things down. Sometimes they’re just plain annoying.

But the end-result of working with a team is almost always better than what you could’ve come up with on your own.

Deep down, we all know that.

I want to make myself available to you and your internal team.

Between Matt Steen and myself, we have almost 50 years of experience at Chemistry Staffing working with church leaders in the area of staff recruitment. As the original founder of, I had the opportunity to be a part of hundreds (probably thousands) of searches. And my work with Leadership Network has given me a great network of church leaders all over the country.  And Matt has served as a youth pastor, executive pastor, and consultant for many years.

We’re confident that we can come alongside you to help make your staff search better the next time around (whether that’s next week or next year). That means finding better candidates even quicker.

Even if you’re not looking for a staff person right now… let’s talk. Let’s start the hard work of looking at what’s next for your staff. Let's establish a relationship so that when the time is right, we're ready to roll.

You should never go it alone.

Let us help.