Church Leadership | Chemistry Staffing

Church Staff are Tired, Exhausted, and Weary

Written by Todd Rhoades | Oct 17, 2022 1:09:03 PM

Here's what to do ...

Are you a pastor or church staff member? Do you find yourself tired? Weary? Exhausted?
I’m going to make a big ask of you today.  Fifteen minutes of your time.  One minute to read this, and 14 minutes to watch the video below.
This is important.
I get the honor and privilege of interacting with pastors and church leaders all day, every day.
And in all of my discussions over the past 951 days (you’ll see the significance when you watch the video), I’ve heard this over and over again:  I’m tired.
If you’re tired or weary or exhausted as you start your week, you are not alone.
Watch this. And then forward it on to your team, colleagues, and those you love who need to hear this today.


Let me know if I can help.