Church Leadership | Chemistry Staffing

Are You Thankful for Your Team?

Written by Matt Steen | Nov 27, 2019 9:59:00 AM

A Thought Before Thanksgiving


This week, as you celebrate through eating turkey, watching bad football, and enjoying time with your family, take a moment to pause and reflect on who you are thankful for on your team. The constant press of ministry life can make it hard to pause and reflect on who regularly goes above and beyond the call of duty on your team. Weeks like this give us the opportunity to step back, catch your breath, and say thank you.  A healthy, long-lasting, staff team feels valued by leadership. Take the time this week to pause and let your team know how thankful you are for them. Handwritten, heartfelt, notes are a great way of doing this, but a text message will do in a pinch.

One last thing… I am thankful for YOU. Thank you for putting in the work day in and day out for the sake of the Gospel. Ministry is not easy work, at many times it can be thankless, and it can be exhausting. Thank you for following the calling that God has given you and caring so well for the congregation that you lead. Todd and I pray for you regularly and would love to serve you if we may.

Happy Thanksgiving!